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I'm going to be honest as I have always prefered honesty over bullshit. 


Over the past year i've been working long and hard on developing the Good Vibrations project. During this time I have learned, developed and grown a lot as an individual and a leader who wants to share and bring value into the lives of others. The down side to following my passion with such love and intensity is that it has left me with a limited budget. 


I don't really like talking about or asking for money and I would never do it if this was just a normal holiday. But this trip will not be normal, this trip is not even for me it's for us. I'm going deep into the unknown in search of answers for us all.


So if you are in the position of financial comfort I kindly ask you to help start the reciprocity cycle by giving what you can today so that I can return it to you in my own way in the future when I come back.


Money donated will go towards essential things such as accomodation, transport, basic food, developing the documentary and essential equipment.


Much love,


Peter Sharp

Here are the payment options;


Direct bank transfer (within EU)


Name of Bank: Caixa d'Estalvis de Catalunya
Entity - Office - DC: 2013-0205-11
Account Number: 0206308578


Direct bank transfer (within AUS)


Name of Bank: National Australia Bank

BSB: 086-420

Account Number: 53-275-1569


Paypal Donation



Please put 'Reciprocity Experiment Donation' in the description



Donate Money

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